Sunday, June 24, 2007

Why leave anonymous comments?

On a non-money related topic, I like when people leave comments. I really do. But I don't understand why they leave them anonymously. Whenever someone leaves a comment I always try to respond to it. Unless it's obviously spam, then I ignore it and/or delete it. Then I go visit their site and try to see what they're writing about. Whenever you leave me an anonymous comment, you lose a potential visitor because I don't get to see your site.

I'm not discouraging comments, in fact I welcome them. Leave more, but leave a link to your site as well.


Anonymous said...

I don't leave contact information for fear of spam.

If I expect a response, I go back to the site in a few days.

Sabrina said...

Hmmm, interesting. Well hopefully you'll come back to my site.

Anonymous said...

I agree, it is a little disheartening. I also like to see what's going on around the world, and I don't know where someone is coming from if they don't leave something.

PS. I considered putting my contact info here, and signing on anonymously, but I'm not sure if you would have thought it was as funny as I do.

Sabrina said...

Anon - I'll check out widgetmate, thanks for the tip.

Wil - I know what you mean, I've met people from all over the world on the internet in general. As for as signing in anonymously with contact info, I probably would have gotten a chuckle out of that.